31 May, 2010

BB playing soccer

Yes, BB played soccer last week. Some of you may think that what's the big deal for a man to play soccer right? It's a big deal, because it's my BB. Hahhaha..I've known him for coming 10 long donkey years and he had NEVER once mentioned that he played soccer or any sports that requires running for that matter. Hence, it's amazing that he actually wanna play!

Well, it's somewhat like street soccer and it's literally the ah peks vs the young pro punks. Hahaha..From one look, you know exactly which player belongs to which team.

The ah peks basically got no image aka no proper attire/shoes/socks whereby the young punks wore standard soccer attire and some with knee guards! Oomg.. Hahaha!

Well, guess my BB seriously has zero sports genes in his body aka 一点运动细胞也没有 as he look damm tired and almost out of breath after........15-20mins?? That's how 'sporty' he is.

Guess he should stick to patronizing kbox and partyworld instead :p

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