19 June, 2010

BB's sweet note

BB left this note on the desk before he set sail together with his atm cards, car key, some cash and his ibanking device. 

He's so sweet and totally melts my heart :)

It felt so warm knowing someone really loves and cares for you and I am so glad that I chose him.

Can't wait for him to be back!

Love you baby! <3

17 June, 2010

BB's leaving tomorrow!

How time flies. When I first knew that BB is going away for four long months, it's in April and at the blink of an eye, he will be leaving tomorrow! :'(

Today BB is real sweet as he picks me up for a surprise lunch and he even bought Hershey's chocos for me!

I love it when he bought little things for me out of the blue and it certainly means more than the big ticket items (as I usually know what he will buy, but big ticket items are nice once in a while even without the surprise elements. Heeee ;p)!

Awwww..I am so not going to be used to not having him around. Who is going to remove all the bones in the fish, peel off the shell of the prawns/ crabs, makes me piping hot tea/coffee/cereal when I am feeling blue, prepares supper for 'me' (he's the one who usually wants to eat it! Hahaha), massage for me whenever my shoulder aches and kiss me goodbye every morning before he leaves for work??

Arrrrggghhhhhhhhh!! So so so upset! But I will survive and be a good girl and wait for him to come back.

BB 快点回来啦!

14 June, 2010


As mentioned earlier in FB, I won myself a free brekkie from BB from the first World Cup match and off we went to Epicurious for brekkie on a nice Sunday afternoon.

We went to the outlet at Railway Mall and the place is pretty decent (I had never been to the one at Robertson Quay) but the food seriously is not worth the time and effort.

These are what BB and I ordered but from the look of it, it doesn't seems that appealing anymore right? The egg yolk was exactly like that when it was served and for my sausages, it's seriously quite hard.

The toast isn't fantastic (I am a super toast/bread person) and luckily BB is very smart, he poured some sugar on it n it instantly tastes so much better!

Guess I am a real sucker for nice and pretty things. When I saw them serving the dishes in these 'chee-na' cockerels plates, I almost fainted. Worst still, they served my tea in this.

A metal 'teapot' (if you consider it as one and a totally Chinese style tea cup. I mean I am fine with Chinese style but this has got to go in line with what the restaurant is serving.

Overall the experience was very normal. Nothing to be upbeat and excited about. I don't think I will go back there again.