27 July, 2010


This is a post for BB as he is far far away and totally not able to catch any movies.

Inception is a good show as it is something different in terms of the idea behind it. It is a story about dreams and how we can plant a concept into someone's mind by invading into their dreams and the characters are able to create different level of dreams - dream within a dream.

With a different level of dream, the time for each level is different. Example will be in the first level of dream, an hour is equal to 5mins in reality. Meaning when you feel that you had been in your dreams for an hour, in actual fact, only 5 minutes had passed. So you do the math and you know how much time one will have in different level of dreams.

Sounds complicated? Not exactly if you pay attention to the movie :)

BB, we'll get the DVD and watch it when you get back k? I have so many movies that I wanna watch with you!


  1. Haa...okie...think I'll understand the movie better after I watched it. (it really sounds complicated with your explaination!)

  2. Excuse me, it is really quite complicated but your smart BB is able to understand it all! Hahhahaha!:D
