28 January, 2010

Ms Fickled Minded's First Post!


Finally set up my first blog due to boredom and I realised that I didnt chose the wrong name for my blog! I couldn't make up my mind even for the name of my blog! *Faintz*

There are simply way too many options for me! All the names like Miss Shopaholic, Iamnotashopaholic, Brainyme!, Pensive moments, Ms Princessa keep popping out of my mind! Ok..I always imagine myself to be princessey and brainy, but hey, what's wrong with imagining myself to be that way and feels good about it? I am not that far from it anyway..as in I may not be a princess but I do look good (at least in my own perspective), I may not be the smartest person around but well, at least my IQ is normal ;p

So, I simply decided on my blog title "Ms Fickled Minded" which suits me just fine :D I have always been fickle minded as I can't make up my mind due to the many options that I had. Be it clothes, shoes, food and furnitures or miscellanous pretty little things that I like, I tend to ask for a second opinion though 80% of the time, I already knew what I want. (I really know what I want..don't doubt it!)I just need someone to ensure that my choices are the best.

When I can't make up my mind regarding my blog's name, I am sooooo glad that I didn't managed to ask my dear sis as she is too busy to entertain me. Hahah..reason being (thanks for my ah tan for reminding me) that she will DEFINITELY ask me to name it "The Swine Blog"! Well, my dear sis is sooooo obsessed calling me "Swine"! She's soooooo irritating and irritating me is her favourite hobby!! Arghhhhhh...But stilll, I still love her dearly despite her being irritating. Hahaha..Aren't I sweeeeeet?? :D

1 comment:

  1. Pls dun think too much, you're anything but brainy!!! Oops, aren't swine suppose to have a brain too??
