29 September, 2010

Blessings from afar!!

Remember the most awesome stranger I've talked about in my previous posts?

I received her hankies today! It felt so warm knowing that a total stranger would actually make such an effort just to send her blessings to someone whom she did a great favour to!

It may mean nothing to her but it certainly means a hell lot to me! I seriously didn't know such good people still exists and they really give without expecting anything in return.

May God bless her and once again,


Imperial Treasure Fine Dining Chinese Cusinie

As my brand principles are in town, our team had dinner at Imperial Treasure on Monday.

The decor is nice and the food is good :)
(Please do not ask me about the price as it's paid by the company and everything was pre-arranged)

I just managed to sneak a few pictures of the walkway and our room.

Walkway to our room.

One part of the room was built with full panel glass window and it overlooks the main shopping area in MBS.

This is the setup when we first arrived.

With all the principles and fellow colleagues from various country arriving, I was too shy to take more pictures (dont want to be seen as a 'mountain tortoise). Hahaha.

The food presentation is good as well and I have my very first experience of eating oyster. Well, it's fried oyster..The texture actually felt like the egg yolk in salted egg. Abit rough. Maybe I am not used to it, maybe I am imagining too much when I ate it, I actually felt like puking when I am eating it. Guess oysters are still not for me, be it fried or raw.

With Chinese dinners being lined up for 2 continuous day, it set me thinking whether does all angmohs love chinese food?

On a random note, I personally think that the principles are really nice people and I can't wait to meet up with them in Geneva in January :)

Or rather, I can't wait to visit Geneva!!! Hahhahaha! :D